Ingen nuværende registrering.
Historik | Start | Stop |
OPLØST EFTER KONKURS | 31.10.2022 | 31.10.2022 |
UNDER KONKURS | 24.02.2022 | 30.10.2022 |
NORMAL | 16.02.2006 | 23.02.2022 |
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Historik | Start | Stop |
Administration af fast ejendom på kontraktbasis (683210) | 01.01.2008 | 31.10.2022 |
Administration af fast ejendom på kontraktbasis (703210) | 16.05.2006 | 31.12.2007 |
Uoplyst (980000) | 16.02.2006 | 15.05.2006 |
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Historik | Start | Stop |
true | 30.06.2021 | 31.10.2022 |
false | 16.02.2006 | 29.06.2021 |
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Historik | Start | Stop |
---| | 05.09.2018 | 31.10.2022 |
Virksomheden har ikke ændret Kontakt i sin
levetid. |
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Historik | Start | Stop |
33157474 | 01.01.2007 | 16.09.2015 |
Virksomheden har ikke ændret Telefon i sin
levetid. |
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Historik | Start | Stop |
K/S ROCHFORD, UK | 16.02.2006 | 31.10.2022 |
Virksomheden har ikke ændret Navne i sin
levetid. |
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Historik | Start | Stop |
Virksomheden tegnes af en likvidator | 30.06.2021 | 24.02.2022 |
Selskabet tegnes af komplementaren eller to medlemmer af bestyrelsen i forening | 12.03.2013 | 29.06.2021 |
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Type af revisorbistand:Revisionspåtegning
Virksomhedens regnskabsklasse:Regnskabsklasse B
Grundlag for konklusion (revision):The company's real estate investment, which was located in the UK, was divested during the year, and has thus been discontinued.
We have not been able to obtain sufficient and suitable audit evidence for outstanding debt and accrued interest related to credit institutions per. December 31, 2020. As we have not had access to this financial information, we have not been able to determine whether any changes in recognized amounts are necessary, for which reason reservations are made for the recognized debt to credit institutions per. 31 December 2020 and interest expenses for the year. It is management's assessment that recognized debt and interest are correct. We have not been able to verify this.
Management døs not present the accounts on the assumption of continued operations. Note 1 on going concern states that management expects the creditor suffers loss. Management has not prepared a liquidity budget or made it probable that the company will receive capital from owners or others. For these reasons, reservations are made for going concern.
As a result of these circumstances, we have not been able to determine whether any adjustment can be considered necessary, as well as the possible effect thereof onthe income statement, the balance sheet and the equity statement.
Konklusion (revision):We do not express an opinion on the Financial Statements. Because of the significance of the matter described in the Basis for disclaimer of opinion paragraph, we have not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an opinion on the Financial Statements.
Udtalelse om ledelsesberetningen (revision):As the disclaimer of opinion shows, we have been unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base our opinion on the financial statements. Accordingly, we do not submit a statement on Management’s Review.
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Ingen historik.
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Ingen historik.
Ingen nuværende registrering.
Ingen historik.