Edaptio II ApS (CVR 43660578) NORMAL 18.07.2024
Lakse Holding ApS (CVR 38831720) NORMAL 18.07.2024
Lund Digital ApS (CVR 42514314) NORMAL 18.07.2024
The Marketing Guy ApS (CVR 37814059) NORMAL 18.07.2024
avbn ApS (CVR 43426419) NORMAL 18.07.2024
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Legale ejereStatusDatoAndelStemmer
Lund Digital ApS (CVR 42514314) NORMAL 18.07.2024 10,00-14,99% 10,00 %
avbn ApS (CVR 43426419) NORMAL 18.07.2024 10,00-14,99% 10,00 %
The Marketing Guy ApS (CVR 37814059) NORMAL 18.07.2024 20,00-24,99% 20,00 %
Edaptio II ApS (CVR 43660578) NORMAL 18.07.2024 20,00-24,99% 20,00 %
Lakse Holding ApS (CVR 38831720) NORMAL 18.07.2024 33,33-49,99% 33,33 %
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