2023, DKK


Primær drift


Årets resultat




Kortfristede aktiver





-2 %


97 %


125 %

Resultat af primær drift-3.387.731-73.439
Indtægter af kapitalandele (tilknyttede og associerede) 00
Finansielle indtægter2.4360
Andre finansielle omkostninger-34.2990
Resultat før skat-43.773.353-16.899.324
Forslag til udbytte00
Kortfristede varebeholdninger12.538.5280
Kortfristede tilgodehavender fra salg og tjenesteydelser 4.456.0540
Kortfristede aktiver6.533.4151.216.812
Immaterielle aktiver og goodwill727.630.3980
Finansielle anlægsaktiver194.009.353219.223.864
Materielle aktiver12.648.9760
Langfristede aktiver194.009.353219.223.864
Forslag til udbytte00
Hensatte forpligtelser7.462.7580
Langfristet gæld til banker508.438.5090
Anden langfristet gæld0
Leverandører af varer og tjenesteydelser43.696.2700
Kortfristede forpligtelser5.214.7590
Afkastningsgrad -1,7 %0,0 %
Dækningsgrad 0,0 %Na.
Resultatgrad -6,7 %Na.
Varelagerets omsætningshastighed 52,1 Na.
Egenkapitals-forretning -22,3 %-7,7 %
Payout-ratio Na.Na.
Gældsdæknings-nøgletal Na.-25.411,4 %
Soliditestgrad 97,4 %100,0 %
Likviditetsgrad 125,3 %Na.
Nyeste:01.01.2023- 31.12.2023(offentliggjort: 28.06.2024)
Information om virksomhedens regnskabsklasse:The consolidated financial statements have been presented in accordance with the provisions of the Danish Financial Statements Act governing reporting class C enterprises (large). The parent financial statements have been presented in accordance with the provisions of the Danish Financial Statements Act governing reporting class C enterprises (medium). The accounting policies applied to these consolidated financial statements and parent financial statements are consistent with those applied last year.
Dato for ledelsens godkendelse af årsrapporten:2024-06-28
Beskrivelse af usikkerhed ved indregning eller måling:Uncertainty relating to recognition and measurementThere is uncertainty relating to the recognition and measurement of the Groups contract work in progress, as the recognition and measurement is based on an accounting estimate.
Statement by Management on the annual report
Identifikation af den godkendte årsrapport:The Board of Directors and the Executive Board have today considered and approved the annual report of Ax VI Inv6 Holding III ApS for the financial year 01. 01. 2023 - 31. 12. 2023.
Management's review
Beskrivelse af virksomhedens væsentligste aktiviteter:Primary activitiesInit Group was founded in January 2022. The purpose was to establish a pan-Nordic group within industrial IT and automation through organic growth and acquisitions . The group has made several acquisitions during 2023 and by the end of the year comprised 14 companies with activity across Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Serbia, Spain and North Macedonia. Init’s almost 650 employees work together to deliver industrial IT and automation services to customers across nine different business areas: • Aqua & Agriculture • Building • Energy • Food & Beverage • Infrastructure • Life Science • Manufacturing • Marine & Offshore • Utility Our goal is to help our customers overcome increasing complexity through tailored, intelligent automation solutions that improve operations today for greater impact tomorrow. Business model We are committed to providing high quality services and innovative solutions to our customers, while striving to minimise our environmental footprint and being a responsible employer and corporate citizen. We believe that the best way to do this is by uniting companies within industrial IT and Automation, companies that put people first and prioritise sustainability for the greater good of our employees, our customers and society . Our Way is people first Our Way is a set of value-based principles that guide the way we interact with each other and with our customers, and thus forms the very foundation of our business. Our Way creates a connection between the way we behave as individuals, and the solutions we deliver. Our Way is rooted in a ‘people first’ philosophy which recognises that, even in a technological industry, the relationships we create and nurture with one another lay at the heart of everything we do. Corporate governance structure Init Group’s corporate governance model is a two-tier system whereby the Board of Directors and Executive Management have two different roles laid down in the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors and Executive Management. Executive Management undertakes the operational management of Init, whereas the Board of Directors determines the overall company strategy and acts as a sounding board to Executive Management. Management is on an ongoing basis monitoring the financial development as well as developments in the field of corporate governance to ensure that the Group – internally as well as externally – is managed in a manner that is in accordance with applicable laws, to protect the interests of all stakeholders. Risk management is considered an essential and natural part of the realisation of Init’s objectives and strategy. The daily activities, the implementation of the established strategy and the continuous use of business opportunities involve inherent risks, and our handling of these risks is therefore seen as a natural and integrated part of the daily work and a way to ensure stable and reliable growth. Danish Venture and Private Equity Association guidelines AX VI INV6 Holding III ApS (Holding III) is owned 100% by the private equity fund Axcel. Holding III’s equity consist of one class of shares. The current capital structure is deemed appropriate in relation to the need for financial flexibility in AX VI INV6 Holding III ApS and its subsidiaries. Being owned by the Danish private equity firm Axcel, Holding III is subject to the guidelines of the Active Owners Denmark (www. aktiveejere. dk) for responsible ownership and corporate governance. Holding III intends to comply with all relevant guidelines, except that the company based on its size, has not established an audit committee. These tasks are handled by the Board and chairmanship. Statetory report on corporate governance The organisation of the Management is, among other things, based on the Danish Companies Act, the Danish Financial Statements Act and the company’s article of association. Holding III has based its corporate governance efforts on a two-tier system where the Board of Directors and the Executive Management have two distinct roles. The Executive Management undertakes the operational management of Holding III, whereas the Board of Directors determines the overall company strategy and acts as a sounding board to the Executive Management of the Company. In addition, the Management is continuously monitoring the financial development as well as developments in the field of corporate governance to ensure that Holding III – internally as well as externally – is managed in a way that is in accordance with applicable laws, to protect these interests of all stakeholders. The Board of Directors annually reviews and approves the written procedures for the management. This includes various policies and processes that the board has instructed management to carry out to ensure that management performs the work required to meet the company's strategic goals and ensure value creation in the long term. Risk management Risk management is considered an essential and natural part of the realisation of Holding III’s objectives and strategy. The daily activities, the implementation of the established strategy and the continuous use of business opportunities involve inherent risks. Accordingly, Holding III’s handling of these risks is therefore seen as a natural and integrated part of the daily work and a way to ensure stable and reliable growth. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is appointed by Axcel. The Board of Directors consists of three members. Board meetings are held a minimum of one time a year. Overview of other board positions of the members of Holding III’s Board of Directors is on next page: CSR, ESG and diversity AX VI INV6 Holding III ApS follows the policies for ESG, CSR and diversity for Init Group A/S in which AX VI INV6 Holding III ApS is a major shareholder. For details, we refer to Init Group A/S annual report: https://regnskaber. cvrapi. dk/63169824/amNsb3VkczovLzAzLzkyLzg2L2I0LzJlLzUwYzEtNDdmZC1hYWVhLTgxNzk0YjU3NGY0ZQ. pdf It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors of Holding III to ensure that the Company’s Executive Management adheres to the guidelines and procedures described in Init Group Aps’s policies for ESG, CSR and diversity.