Malene Ellgaard Svedal 21.04.2017
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Lykkebækvej 5 & 3 ApS (CVR 42559725) NORMAL 23.07.2021 90,00-99,99% 0,00 %
Klosterengen ApS (CVR 38614118) NORMAL 01.07.2020 100,00% 100,00%
Ejendomsselskabet Engstien 1 ApS (CVR 34579202) NORMAL 23.01.2020 90,00-99,99% 0,00-4,99%
LUDVIG MÜLLERS HAVE ApS (CVR 31280974) NORMAL 23.01.2020 90,00-99,99% 0,00-4,99%
CRL ESP ApS (CVR 40900365) NORMAL 01.11.2019 100,00% 100,00%
Seguro Properties - Adelgade ApS (CVR 40639187) NORMAL 04.07.2019 90,00-99,99% 0,00-4,99%
Hein 1 ApS (CVR 39119196) UNDERFRIVILLIGLIKVIDATION 01.07.2019 50,00-66,66% 50,00-66,66%
Udsigten Haderslev ApS (CVR 43557270) NORMAL 05.10.2022 50,00-66,66% 50,00 %
Hamlets Have ApS (CVR 40680748) NORMAL 01.07.2021 90,00-99,99% 0,00 %
CPM Holding VS 391 ApS (CVR 39020009) NORMAL 02.05.2022 10,00-14,99% 10,00 %
Stamholmen 175 ApS (CVR 37653667) OPLØSTEFTERFUSION 01.07.2019 15.04.2021 90,00-99,99% 0,00-4,99%
WILDERSGADE 41 ApS (CVR 25518373) NORMAL 01.07.2017 01.07.2019 33,33-49,99% 33,33-49,99%
ARK-KONCEPT ApS (CVR 35474951) OPLØSTEFTERFRIVILLIGLIKVIDATION 21.04.2017 13.03.2020 50,00-66,66% 50,00-66,66%