Hillerup ApS (CVR 36970065) OPLØSTEFTERKONKURS 05.02.2016
I DIG MUSIC ApS (CVR 33078838) NORMAL 05.02.2016
KB ApS (CVR 27332102) NORMAL 05.02.2016
Nørrebrew + Vesterbrew ApS (CVR 36970073) NORMAL 05.02.2016
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The Green Artist Holding ApS (CVR 43736140) NORMAL 01.01.2023 10,00-14,99% 10,00 %
KB ApS (CVR 27332102) NORMAL 01.01.2023 20,00-24,99% 20,00 %
Nørrebrew + Vesterbrew ApS (CVR 36970073) NORMAL 01.01.2023 20,00-24,99% 20,00 %
I DIG MUSIC ApS (CVR 33078838) NORMAL 01.01.2023 33,33-49,99% 33,33 %
Holding the Dude AB 25.10.2017 31.12.2022 5,00-9,99% 5,00 %
Nørrebrew + Vesterbrew ApS (CVR 36970073) 25.10.2016 31.12.2022 15,00-19,99% 15,00 %
KB ApS (CVR 27332102) 05.02.2016 31.12.2022 25,00-33,32% 25,00 %
I DIG MUSIC ApS (CVR 33078838) 05.02.2016 31.12.2022 50,00-66,66% 50,00 %
Hillerup ApS (CVR 36970065) 05.02.2016 26.07.2017 10,00-14,99% 10,00 %
Nørrebrew + Vesterbrew ApS (CVR 36970073) 05.02.2016 24.10.2016 10,00-14,99% 10,00 %
The Artist ApS (CVR 38437844) NORMAL 26.07.2017 100,00% 100,00%
The Bank Management ApS (CVR 36537477) NORMAL 26.07.2017 100,00% 100,00%
The Bank Music ApS (CVR 36690577) NORMAL 26.07.2017 100,00% 100,00%
The Bank Music ApS (CVR 37556270) OPLØSTEFTERFUSION 26.07.2017 27.09.2018 100,00% 100,00%
The Artist ApS (CVR 38437844) NORMAL 10.02.2017 10.02.2017 100,00% 100,00%