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Hermansen Copenhagen ApS (CVR 39964333) NORMAL 15.07.2020 25,00-33,32% 25,00 %
ANOTHER LEVEL CPH. ApS (CVR 34354464) NORMAL 16.10.2018 50,00-66,66% 50,00-66,66%
Friends of Lyngby Invest ApS (CVR 39778726) NORMAL 21.08.2018 5,00-9,99% 5,00-9,99%
Operators Coffee Club ApS (CVR 38776959) NORMAL 30.06.2017 25,00-33,32% 25,00-33,32%
Eidos Books ApS (CVR 37504459) NORMAL 12.06.2016 10,00-14,99% 10,00-14,99%
PAS NORMAL STUDIOS ApS (CVR 36440473) NORMAL 23.03.2022 15,00-19,99% 15,00 %
A/S Friends of Lyngby (CVR 40025693) NORMAL 15.11.2018 5,00-9,99% 5,00 %
Friends of Lyngby Invest ApS (CVR 39778726) NORMAL 09.08.2018 20.08.2018 100,00% 100,00%
Getha Invest ApS (CVR 39779552) OPLØSTEFTERERKLÆRING 31.07.2018 02.01.2019 25,00-33,32% 25,00-33,32%
MOKER EJENDOMME ApS (CVR 31862396) NORMAL 13.05.2015 01.01.2017 10,00-14,99% 10,00-14,99%
ReKom Norge Invest ApS (CVR 36446250) OPLØSTEFTERFUSION 20.11.2014 30.09.2015 10,00-14,99% 10,00-14,99%
REKOM GROUP ApS (CVR 36044462) OPLØSTEFTERFUSION 01.07.2014 01.01.2017 10,00-14,99% 10,00-14,99%