Seskabets formål er at opkøbe, opskære, bearbejde, og sælge såvel engros som til endelige forbrugere, fersk og frosset kød i ind- og udland. Det er endvidere en del af formålet også at fremstille og sælge andre former for fødevarer samt udføre anden virksomhed, der står i naturlig forbindelse med de ovennævnte formål.
Sidst opdateret den 09.02.2015 og angivet som gældende fra 13.05.2004 (7357 dage).
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Sidst opdateret den 05.02.2023 og angivet som gældende fra 01.02.2023 (519 dage).
Forarbejdning af andet kød (101190).
Sidst opdateret den 11.09.2008 og angivet som gældende fra 01.01.2008 (6029 dage).
Forarbejdning af andet kød (101190)01.01.2008
Engroshandel med kød og kødprodukter (513200)25.09.200731.12.2007
Kreaturslagterier (151120)01.01.200124.09.2007
Kødforarbejdning i øvrigt (151390)29.12.198631.12.2000
Sidst opdateret den 11.03.2015 og angivet som gældende fra 29.12.1986 (13702 dage).
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Sidst opdateret den 22.11.2013 og angivet som gældende fra 29.12.1986 (13702 dage).
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Sidst opdateret den 25.11.2003 og angivet som gældende fra 24.11.2003 (7528 dage).
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Sidst opdateret den 01.04.2000 og angivet som gældende fra 23.01.2000 (8929 dage).
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Selskabet tegnes af to medlemmer af bestyrelsen i forening eller af en direktør alene13.05.200401.02.2023
Virksomheden har ikke ændret Tegningsregel i sin levetid.
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Fra årsrapport
Type af revisorbistand:Revisionspåtegning
Navn på revisionsvirksomhed:Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab
Revisionsvirksomhedens CVR-nr.:33963556
Beskrivelse af revisor:State Authorised Public Accountant
Virksomhedens regnskabsklasse:Regnskabsklasse C, stor virksomhed
Grundlag for konklusion (revision):The financial statements have been presented applying the principle of going concern. As stated in note 1 to the financial statements, the going concern of the Entity is dependent on obtaining new credit facilities to repay the current ones, which have been terminated. Moreover, it is necessary that the new credit facilities can be extended when new funding needs arise. Management have not at the for signing been able to show a plan for how to obtain new credit facilities to repay the current ones, and we have not been able to concur with the budgets prepared by Management regarding the expectations for the coming financial year. We therefore qualify our opinion in respect of the financial statements having been presented on a going concern basis. In our opinion, trade receivables, which are recognised in the balance sheet at DKK 236,3m, are overvalued by DKK 120,8m due to non-writedown for bad and doubtful debts. Consequently, equity and profit for the year have been overvalued by DKK 120,8m in this respect. ​In our opinion, receivables from group enterprises, which are recognised in the balance sheet at DKK 81,8m, are overvalued by DKK 81,8m due to non-writedown. Consequently, equity and profit for the year have been overvalued by DKK 81,8m in this respect. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and additional requirements applicable in Denmark. Our responsibilities under those standards and requirements are further described in the "Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements" section of this auditor’s report. We are independent of the Entity in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) and the additional ethical requirements applicable in Denmark, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our adverse opinion.
Konklusion (revision):We have audited the financial statements of SKARE Meat Packers K/S for the financial year 01. 10. 2020 - 30. 09. 2021, which comprise the income statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity and notes, including a summary of significant accounting policies. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act. ​ ​In our opinion, due to the significance of the matters discussed in the "Basis for adverse opinion" section, the ​financial statements do not give a true and fair view of the Entity’s financial position at 30. 09. 2021 and of the results of its operations for the financial year 01. 10. 2020 - 30. 09. 2021 in accordance with the Danish Financial Statements Act.
Udtalelse om ledelsesberetningen (revision):Management is responsible for the management commentary. Our opinion on the financial statements døs not cover the management commentary, and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the management commentary and, in doing so, consider whether the management commentary is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. Moreover, it is our responsibility to consider whether the management commentary provides the information required under the Danish Financial Statements Act. As is evident from the "Basis for adverse opinion" section, we have modified our opinion on the financial statements because of the fact that the financial statements have been presented as going concern which we disagree in and the fact that trade receivables are overstated after our opinion. We have concluded that, for this reason, the management commentary is materially misstated as, in our opinion, the management commentary should have reflected this circumstance.
Engroshandel med kød og kødprodukter29.12.198631.12.2000
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